Very nice, I'm sure a lot of people will find this very helpfull. I'm definately downloading it and will quite probably use it =D EDIT -...
Campaign scoring is one of the easiest part of the Halo3 Achievments. Put the Difficulty on Normal and turn on these skulls - Skull Name |...
Woot =D Thanks Opo, can't wait =D
Yeah the ice on HaloCE was the best, you would go over it with a Hog completely sideways at good speeds =D I also just realised how off topic I...
Err.. Isn't that a good thing?
Isn't that the same thing? You can only get all the GamerScore for Halo3 by doing all the achievments... And yes, Security Helmet = All achievments
Ahhh that makes much more sence. That seems pretty cool =D
Preferably 1280x1024 =] And thanks for giving it a go for me =D Btw, the other pics are freakin awesome as, I've "archieved" them all onto my...
Not to be mean or anything... But is there any chance this is some kind of ploy to get bungie to give him Recon Armour... I mean... It could be...
Bloody oath, Sidewind and Blood Gulch Warthog wars. Some of the best times ever on Halo. Actually I remember finding out about glitches for the...
Lol yeah, well when you get so frustrated at not having whatever specific armour perm you want you will probably go back and quickly get them....
Photobucket =]
Even though I don't want to download any more, or at the least very few foundry maps. I'll download it =D Looks really great.
As cool as this looks, I am so over foundry. But definately looks like a great job. [Waits for good LegDLC maps] ... [I'll be here a while =\ ]
Have you got a Hi-Res version of the SanFran one, also... If you would perhaps take a request Would you make one pretty much exactly like you...
To be honest, MOST of the original Halo3 MM maps are sucky. The remakes are the best and there are some okay ones. I realise you only asked about...
Vehicle wars lol, I remember doing that with my brother in Halo1, we would both get in Warthogs and try to flip eachother and run down eachother....
You could try, you would probably get lost in the thousands of messages they get every day, scratch that... Every hour. Although it may seem...
This looks pretty cool =D Silly fool not adding link for download I lol at you =D -Download Que-
When you spawn the item you want to place, it spawns level =\ What's so hard about making a level floating platform with S/Q o.O