Bummer, ok then I will try and get on between 7 and 8.
Cool, what time is the game? 4 p.m. my time? If so then that would mean it would be over around 7 p.m. my time which means I will be on soon after...
Yeah, definitely. I should be on later today, definitely after the Pats game sometime. I got a few friends over so it may not be until later tonight.
Go Squid, Go Squid, It's your birthday!!! You got a feature!!! I'm lame, I know. Congrats man, I love this map. If I were you I wouldn't really...
Yeah, especially Shadow. Kid beats me to everything!!!
Welcome to the ranks of the Purple and Orange!! Bet you'll miss the poopy red/brown after a few days in these colors :0) Also, congrats on being...
What a coincidence lol. I will see if I can get on this weekend, but it may be tough. If not I'll be on pretty much whenever during the week.
I noticed that too, he has been given an infraction and I deleted the post. As far as the map, I am intrigued and I am going to have to download...
Happened to me twice, not sure what it is but about 30 seconds later it unfroze. I thought it was because I was watching Netflix for like 8...
This thread contained a poll that was explicit and uncalled for. I have changed it and infracted the user. Let this be a warning to all that read...
Officially back to pimp status!
Thanks bud, and by the looks of it we have some stiff competition coming from Fissure. The fact that Shishka hasn't locked yours yet is definitely...
Haha, sure thing.
You are wise.
A day or so. I'm gonna follow an online guide and pull it apart and try and re-solder the joints and such. I took electronics for 3 years in high...
They're gonna take it in and fix it cause it's under warranty. He just got it last year so he is all set. Mine however is an original that has...
Well, that's it. RRoD has overrun my Xbox. There is no saving this *****. I'm gonna take it apart and try to fix it myself and if that doesn't...
Haha, figured you'd like the song :0) It's an addicting game and does really messed up things to my eyes lol.
Oh sweet. guess I'll stay away from that then, thanks :0)
You may or may not be interested in this: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/gaming-discussion/44901-audiosurf.html Hint: Do some drugs before...