...i do appear to be confused.
*moved to Gaming Discussion*
I'm sure you can only do that in Social games, not in ranked. What's your Gamertag? Mines TexturedSun, add me up a treat and we'll play some...
I'm up for it, don't get me wrong :) I'm at work at the moment though. What timezone are you in? 'tis (8:30am) GMT here. Are you able to enter...
Yeah i do ... just depends on whether i have the time thats all. I'm busy making a MP map, so i'm not on ranked at all at the moment.
I can't take pics ... at least not yet. There's actually a thread dedicated to people with capture cards taking pics for peoples FC2 maps.
Well i'm finished with Halo and Forge (unless Sandbox is something really special). I had a LOT of pretty awesome outstanding projects, but i...
I just read that actually. Nice job on keeping the community informed :) Not in Halo ... i've a few epic Far cry 2 maps in the works though ... i...
No linking to scams or any such crap. *considers infracting many people for spam* *decides against it and locks* :lock:
Yeah, turns out all members should be able to see the infracted posts, so that they can report any 'unjust' or 'corrupt' infractions. :lock:
I think not. *copies to Staff*
That ... was very interesting ... I lol'd when the bill fell off though.
I know for a fact that i'm getting a PS3 with LittleBigPlanet. For. The. Win.
I think my party time will be at 9am on saturday morning, AUS time.
Sounds like a plan ... i should be online. If not, i'll be online this time tomorrow. Will you be attending my Far Cry 2 TGIF party?
I might be, actually ... why?
*moved to Forge Discussion*