Good work looks nice. :) 4/5
After playing the map I can honestly say that this is one of the most fun foundary creations. This is very creative matty good work. :)
This map seems very Asetheticly pleasing. It looks great and I bet it plays well. :)
This map could use some improvments you should try to interlock everything you can so the map looks better and neater.
Very creative You earned my download and many others. Good work! :)
Thanks and any feedback on the map would be nice. Possitive or negative is acceptable because you need critisism to improve maps thats how I ended...
Yeah at first I was just using them as lighted platforms you could jump on if they were set up in stair form but It looked weird and I just ended...
He copied the I'am legend map and added some more buildings and called it his. If he didn't get the guys permission I think he should get in trouble.
Looks well thought out and made. Good job on the interlocking :) 5/5 for creativity and neatness.
Crashing ships seem very popular on Avalanche although this one looks very well done. You could have made it actualy crashed but hey its still...
Looks nice and smooth. :) god work 5/5
We all have broken out of the maps. Why post something old thats not up to date with all the new forge tecniques?
Kind of been done before you should come up with some orriginal ideas for maps. People like new stuff. :)
Cool map I like the concept. :)
So its only the tower how about the banshee bridge and middle and the whole rest of the map?
This map looks very unfinished and empty. You should add more to it.
Yeah you can use the ideas in your map theres no reason why you couldn't. I posted this map to show off what you can do in forge with the new maps...
Its great for a small map .
Very orriginal and very well done on the interlocking. 5/5
Cat and mouse is fun and this map seems good for it good work.