LOL yeah it has a butt load of new stuff lots of asthetic stuff as well as objects that have meaning. The flares are a key to surviving the night...
lol thats a good enough explanation for me. ;)
Hey your pics are supposed to impress me to download the map if you choose not to pick the best pics or more pics to give me an overall look at...
Some parts are messy if you make anouther version be sure to use more interlocking its an ok map though.:)
Pics show me what I needed to see to judge it. I love that its required to add pics at this website. :) Average is not a bad thing, its better...
Exactly what I was thinking. and even if it shows ways out you could at least see some non crucial parts.
I was going to say miss leading....... you beat me to it. Its an average map. Names count alot for me its like saying heres a cherry popsical and...
I know your new but you need pics. It helps people desides to download your map or not.
Usualy cavern means a wide open area. Like waterworks from Halo 2 and the caves area in avalanche are both caverns. What we have here are tunnels...
It would be better if you interlocked items as shown in the forge 101 videos they can help you make your maps much better.
In the future only include the name of the map in your title and embed your pics. Don't just link them and this place on rats nest has been known...
Hi every body!
Come back with some feed back too if you can so the map can be improved. :)
Seems cool but This seems alot like giligans island lol. :)
I remember playing this it was interesting to say the least. :)
You need to follow forgehub standards even if you linked you other thread.
I think it looks confussing but that might be just me.
This looks interesting good job with the interlocking and time effected objects.
Needs better pictures. I cant see your map from the pictures you gave us.
Time events work on the legendary maps with the forge filters you can set the filters to spawn over a time period to act like a day cycle. I used...