Yes I asked Brute capitan to use the ideas from parched solace in my map before doing it. Oh and I was the orriginal person to use the filters in...
Jester if you want you can post the remake of Crypt that I redid for you it is your map after all but I recomend the gravediggers gametype I made...
After playing it is very fun and fast paced. good work works well with small parties. :)
Looks nice but it seems like theres still some room you could have filled up so players would have less suicides from falling off ledges. I had...
I've seen a few maps with the same concept of a blown up Foundry wheres theres many hiding places. But this one looks pretty cool it might play...
Looks nice hopefully it plays well on KOTH like bunker hill did.
It looks interesting. Very well thought out and neat. Good work. :)
I think it could use some work because of right now its far to simple and blan you need to add something that says " download me" because I don't...
I think it needs work. Looks very messy from what I can see.
First two look very small and confusing but Corrosive looks fine. :) good forgeing like how it is like Reflex.
Pretty cool I'll take this baby for a test ride. :)
Wheres the dogs or the park? Looks more like a stack of double boxes to me.
lol, get pooped on!
Hi jester I wanted to show you what you can do on your map "Crypt" to improve it .I sent you a FR and I'll try to show you some positive edits if...
Looks like you could really break out of this map really easy.
How many buildings are there total since you don't have the pics up yet.
You should add more items around the center .
Good looking map like the neat interlocking. :)
Looks ok but interlocking would make it better.
Looks good from that pic but do you have more we could look at?