You need to give a description for the map.
Its cool looking, It has a cool overflow feeling to it.
Oh alright. seems like a decent slayer map. Looks big enough to fit a larger party as well.
I think with a map like this you would need stronger or faster zombies to balance it out for both sides.
Seems ok I'll try it out with some friends. :)
What gametypes play on this map?
I reminds me of a blown up building that has its exterior walls destroyed but you can still see the different floors of the building. Kind of cool...
Well in that case its a fine map for competitive games and its a nicely balanced map varient. I will still always like the good looking maps...
So what gametypes will this work for I know slayer obviosly but is it desighned for others as well?
If its to dark during the night stage you can adjust your screen brightness in the start screen.
Humans have BRs and turrets I think you need more cover because it looks like a spawn rape styled map right now.
I think this map is far to simple. I think you need to add some cover for the zombies so they can move around to get to the humans.
Map works well but as the guy said above me the maps a little dark. I walk into alot of walls.
Brute I finaly know my way around the map now I don't get lost as much now. I still cant get up the sniper tower for crap. ;)
Oh fieasta is just random primary and secondary weapons so you end up with a rocket some times and a plasma pistol others same goes with the other...
Looks fun this seems more like a mini game map more than a competitive map.
The spawn bases look very campable. They're to simple and open for my liking.
I think this is one of your better maps. I like this one for small parties in fiesta. I can say that it sucks being on the ground floor while...
Competitive maps can still look nice. sure it plays nice I think it basicaly plays like every other MLG map I've seen it basicaly has two bases...
You may be new but please read sticky threads before posting a map so you know how to post maps.