Looks cool like the interlocking and good concept 5/5.
No pics no clicks. :)
It looks cool I'll try it.
Pics are screwed up.
Looks ok.
Looks very messy. Might play good though.
Very unballanced if you ask me. I hate Sandtrap zombie games they are all the exact same, Fast zombie humans have hogs. Wheres the orriginality?
Most of the inovation was from the other dark when he joined my forge game when I was messing around on the new maps especialy ghost town. Also...
Its called Until Darkness V2 (Pictures added!!!!!!!!!!!) Thats the Bungie post.
Hey I just bumped your bungie thread bump mine to its still on the front page but barely. lol :) Mine is the untill darkness thread on bungie...
Can you get som more pics of the map please? :)
This is average but it might play well.
People play video games to get away from realism if you wanted your map to look good and be realistic why isn't this in the asthetic section? Also...
Thank you The idea just came to me but I have to give credit to The other dark as well he helped me with the map. :) Hes my buddy plus he posts my...
Thank you, You should check out Version 2 its the final version of this level that I'am going to do I think you'd like it.
Pretty cool looks great for 1v1 although you might want to show a picture of the creek from the topside to see into it. 9/10 for the map.
Well what ever you did midget you did a good job on this map hope to see you next time you get online can't wait to see your next project. :) Keep...
Thanks I hope you like it. Also I would like any feed back good or bad is acceptible. Hope you guys enjoy it and give some feed back on anthing I...
Yes I wanted to give Brute captain credit for the Overhangs that are oiver the walkways on the main building. Also to answer the question "What...