Alright! Do you know if he has ForgeHub? It's easier to chat on ForgeHub than on Xbox Live, you know ;) Thanks anyway, even though you're not the...
Hey, I already complimented you on Skype but just in case you didn't get it for some reason: Happy belated birthday :D I've got a question: I...
Haha for me it's even worse: I'll be occupied for the next 3 WEEKS >:O
Not really. The glass parts of the antennas have been covered up so they won't cause framerate lag. And bomb-plates can cause framerate lag as...
Okay cool :)
It doesn't matter, I've made that mistake myself many times too :D And yeah I like the map, but there are still things that could be better. Like...
Hey Redy, I'll get you some feedback for your map soon okay? Even though I had to quit, unfortunately :(
Cool, same problem for me, I'll be occupied for 3 full weeks, but after that I'll be done with school :) I really hope we can finally get out the...
Sure. Everyone seems to be busy, oh school.. grr :(
Well we don't exactly need to wait until we have 100 people because we can also fill up the remaining spots by publicing it on YouTube by that...
Alright I'll save it then, thanks!
But Mass, why haven't you been around for so long? We need you here buddy.
Yeah man, welcome bro :D It's good to see you around on Xforgery.
Do you think you'll be hosting for Round 7? (Tomorrow is the deadline of leaving the template) I know Elliot and I won't be hosting due to the...