If you couldn't tell from the thread title, he was going for MIRROR Carter, aka colors reversed. And I'm not gonna lie, I lol'd heartily at the...
I am in spirit apparently, because I don't remember it.
In terms of exercise, its ****ing workout. Apparently NASCAR drivers are known to loose up to 20 lbs in a single race, and have to stay in shape...
Hey man, she did some **** with her umbrella and became invincible. It was megahax. And shes ****ing amazing at fighting games like that,...
I thought I was a boss with Falco/Link, I was untouchable. Then my mom practiced for like a month when I was out of town.... came back and...
Cit...adel? <_<
Probably my brother watching a movie, or a little cousin playing xbox or something.
What is 'ups,' dawg?
Lies, I have been working.
Yeah, these pictures are crap.
Wow the best map here isn't even getting om-nom-nominated :(
Consider this 'further notice.'
broccollipie ► Loyal: TG Member Arctic Hunter ► Registered User SargeantSarcasm ► Architect
Forge Hub - View Profile: broccollipie
Grah! I have like fifteen new notifications, four of which I think are from you >.< But yeah, pisses me off.
I'm never on xbox!
kay .
I ****ing hate that. Once you get up the ladder, you are ****ing committed. The fact that the law ****ing says you are allowed to trouble everyone...