Like a *****?
Oh really? Is that so... ;)
Neither is sexual tension, but you still create a ton of that!
Inconsistent like a boss!
Mkay, if it bugs you I will leave you alone. Have a nice day, guy.
For lulz! I saw the PERFECT opportunity, and couldn't let it pass! ;D
Twas sarcasm!
I personally like the wall better.
I have, I wanted to give him enough time to flush out your cheat method!!!
... Because my name, avatar image, and lack of signature leave me to be mistaken for BT. I can kinda understand it in the shoutbox, even though...
quick skype please
I've learned that responses/critiques vary widely depending on where you post. So make a single sig to post on twelve different sites, and you...
solve the code boi
Yeah, please fix that Stevo. But seriously, that pic is great. I hope the rest LOOKS as good, **** the gameplay.
As SOON as I get my life back...
Basically, I raped my code with math.
I've no idea, and am too lazy to find his page to check. And yes, he was an admin.
I think it did at a point, but was disabled after the hack.
Well, we check it like once a day, and very few of us look at the second page lol. Its also possible that somebody got a few things but not...
There are that many reported.