That caught me off guard.
Should've played with me earlier today dude, we were ballin' it up. On a related tangent, I really miss seeing that entire 'past 25 games'...
Invest in tape, guy. A small dot makes all the difference.
That is a lot of stuff.
Get in line ;D
When you have sex and the blood gets everywhere.
If you are challenged by SLASO in this game, you are doing it wrong. A simple mythic skull just means that people are going to run through it and...
I would rather have epic SLASO's by a lot. I'm all burnt out on firefight after playing it religiously back at the start of Reach... when nobody...
Look at the tank. I mean redguard.
Pics or it didn't happen.
Yes, exactly. The kind who uses the wrong homonym.
*headasplodes* I cannot stand that at all! There was a reason for everything being how it was!
No, it means I am pro.
I'm going to see a movie in like an hour.
Please don't use blue, the overwhelming majority of us are on Reach Dark, and blue is impossible to read. Use Bold instead? I also want to point...
Thats what he wanted of it. Just lulz.
I have a pink tie-dye shirt that says batman on the back. I am wearing it right now.
Are you not as well? Oh, and belated happy birthday!
Talk to someone other than me.