Describe to me the traits of your definition a hipster so that I can refute I am one.
I'm not a hipster.
YouTube - She and Him - I Put a Spell on You
Not exactly, because Bayonetta was crap.
I don't get what you mean. Are you saying Iron Man 2 was bad? Haven't seen Toy Story 3. Return of the King was O.k I suppose. Why do you...
Best of 2010, I'm thinking: Tron: Legacy Inception The Social Network Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Iron Man 2 I definitely have a "type".
That way there's a small reminder of the beating you gave him, and that he should submit to you or something he cherishes will be damaged forever.
Tell your ugly failure of a brother that if he doesn't let you use the t.v, you'll put small cuts in all the posters in his room and then beat the...
Want to play some Reach Camo?
YouTube - Can't Tell Me Nothing with Zach Galifianakis - High Quality Video
You hear that winston? The controls weren't immersing. WHEN WILL MIRRORS EDGE UPDATE THEIR CONTROL SCHEME FOR CRIPPLED GAMERS! The answer is never.
You're right, Mirror's Edge does suck.
Not really.
Sentimentality is girly.
I will learn from the trolls, and use their teachings to grift pass-byers out of gold coins.
How dare you write "it's a mammal I think" on the Internet. On the INTERNET for crying out loud.
I.. uh... Best whatever in a while.
For Christmas, I got what I asked for: nothing. Keep it in mind kids, dreams DO come true!
Flash runs up to Batman and vibrates his hand through Batman's heart. What's Batman going to do, throw a money clip at him?
The Flash could kick Batman's ass.