Wow these are very clever! I would have never thought of making these minigames they are fantastic and unique. Not only have you made minigames...
This looks very fun I am downloading and playing doubles on it! From the pics I can see many aeslthic features that make this map stand out. I...
Cool I never realized they had air vehicles in the Construct forge list! This looks like fun! With a mixture of dog fights and buildings causing...
Take the idea of a pelican and edit the ship like that and make it your own. Seems like a good idea to have a floating ship on Blackout. I...
ur a staff capten
wippen u?
Seems like a great idea. Specially because most of the maps entered would be minigames. I like forging on Avalanche too. I am curantly...
Isn't the new forge map supposed to allow you to completely make your own map from scratch? If the origonal map was just an empty black space of...
It says that my Bungie Pro runs out 8/17 thats tomorrow right. SAD FACE :-( Will it be free in the next map pack? I think that got alot more...
I clicked the link to DL if you think it is THAT great... Did you post MLG's fileshare? Why are you posting that? Hope your next post is...
Between Reflex and Troika... I vote Reflex because it has great dezign aesthletics and gameplay :-) Matty you made one of the best maps in...
I saw this in your signature and it looked great! I Hope this is a good as Bayonetwork! That is a tough act to follow :-) The layout looks...
Cool as long as its not like chess like Halo wars... Thanks! I know we can expect great graphics, better multiplayer, a short campain and a...
Muh Hahahaha Its a secret... but I will tell you this. It is going to combine aesthletics and gameplay in a way that realates to SpaceAge only 20...
This map looks pretty cool. Some of the structures you have created with your nterlocking highly unique! Great job I am DLing now Then I will...
This looks very cool! The way you combined geoglitching and interlocking are impecable and I also like how yu didn't block off the back room....
Welcome to forgehub! Congrats on getting your first post up to standerds! Great job on that! Evan though you didn't use interlocking its okay...
The map looks very fun. I like the look of the dezigns you have created with your interlocking :-) Before I DL I would like to see a few more...
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH A non DLC map! shield your eyes! IT BURNS! Looks like fun! I gave up matchmaking until next month when a custom map...
Wow thanks! You have saved me a lot of work by making this and I am planning to make a map on Blackout in the near future. I am allready making...