For the future... only post completed maps in the map forum. If your asking for help with something than it belongs in forge descussion or...
You making this could benifate everybody since Ivory Tower was one of the best maps in Halo 2 (one of my personal favorates too) it looks like...
Well glad this was featured... The gameplay was great and the geoglitching was pretty good too! Great job guys I would DL but I allready have :-)
Neither. By the cummunity. Therde should be a vote on Bungie fav maps. The reason why the maps suck on Bungie favorates suck is they are not...
Do you know whats fun? Doing that but put the warthog high in the air while you are in moniter under it. Turn back into human and the warthog...
Everybody who sees this thread (quote this above) A pmp nmd Slkbk is probably the best switch maker in the world! His work and skillz allways...
After seeing the pics I must say that this is one of the most unique and origonal foundry maps made in a long time! I love your idea with...
Wow this is very nice! The interlocking is nothing short of fantastic and the multifloors help make it evan better! I love how you made a...
Dang that looks tight... The lighting and the greenness are perfect. This is a geat screenshot. I would gladly put this on my fileshare but my...
Right... Don't say pimp. This is a very cool screenshot its perfect. The mongoose is looking up and every thing there is no flaws. This is a...
Nobody told me either. One less you tell somebody there is a teleporter behind the door it seems ratter pointless because they won't bother...
Switches are great in competitive maps because they cause interesting movements and fun gameplay. H3artificers based there whole website around...
Ske7ch allready announced Shiska's plans for a customs map playlist next month. Bungie will probably go directly to forgehub to maps for the...
Why post if your xbox isn't working right now? Why not just wait until it is working? Seems like a bad decisioon to me... Sorry but no pics no...
Haha I tried it on Avalanche while making my map (nonfoundry forging is sofrusterating) and it worked! It made me smile evan though I was about...
Hmmm I don't know what to say. I have never seen another map like it. That being said in the best possable way lol Nice geogliching evan...
Make the zombies trapped somewhere in the map. Under camp Froman seems like the best and make a teleporter in the air. Under the teleporter put...
My forgepartner is on the MLG proforge team but I have not posted a map made by both of us. MLG maps HAVE to have: Only BRs, Carbines, maulers,...
I see great interlocking and I still love Midship. I miss it I want it in H3 Give me more pics and I would love to download. It will be just...
If they are perfect and go straight into thier face it can be a 3 shoted kill. Sign in a another controller and try it. I do it to people who...