Working on 5 huh. What does that make? 7 featured maps for you in the future. Your other 2 are very nice. Specially Martydom. Its one of my...
I have looked at this map and I am very happy to say that I have been with this project from the beginning. The idea is very nice and Goatnuts...
The interlocking is very superb and the dezign of the map (specially in the first pic is very nicely made. This definately looks fun for FFA. I...
There I changed the color. SHEESH! I have people with the new skin and the old skin and a person who is color blind! I hope red is good enough...
Oh but I am... Everybody says I'm the next Vannessa Hudgens. And the Zach Efron of forge
You have a pic of you to making out! And she is not your girlfriend. Is she a hor? Just kidding don't hate me!!!! She is my new screensavor....
Scarfac3d, you should ask a moderator to lock this. You want all the attention to go to your new version Sk8 park 2. That way it could get more...
That used to happen to me. I just restarted my cumputer or used another one. The whole tictaktoe game looks very cool! I am not sure...
I remember testing this with you! The aestletics were pretty sweet and really put you in that cave that you were aiming for when you made the...
I agree. I am not to crazy about Pitstop. My only real concern would be the spawn points. That room was a great place for players to regenerate...
OMG I'm sad now :-( Damn this! I am going to go waste my time on!
What the HELLZOR I didn't do anything to you! Shananagens!
Wow Hat. It must have taken you SOOOOO long to think of this. Plus write it. You must be dedicated lol By the way I agree with you. Official...
Lol I am spamming your profile :D
Could Master Chief really be Chuck Noris? They act the same and are both leaders... Oh and uhh THEY BOTH KICK ASS
Master Chief CAN blieve its not butter.
Master Chief is cheating on Cortana
Master Chief lost his verginity before his dad.
Master Chief can run around the world and hit himself in the back of the head.