Turret? Ghost? What are you taking about? Thats all the stuff I spent time deleting and fixing with Bl00d F1r3 and a lot of other mods and...
Nice to see another map on Avalanche. The scenery looks so much cleaner and more interesting... Excellent aestletic touches to the map....
Only if Vannassa Hudgens is swinging next to him, in a bikini or naked. I saw a pic of Vaneesa Hudgens naked. She is sitting next to her...
Do you know why The Oficial Y35 got banned? I thought he was a valuable, dedicated forgehub member. Do youknow what happened? BTW You said...
About the time when Bungie announced that the Heroic maps would become free right before the next wave of DLC comes out they said that there would...
Well, now that you updated the pics and and see excellentfacial features! That is really impressive and creative! Not many people could have...
OMG this looks sweet! How fun could tis be? How often do people fall off though? If you made one on Avalanche I bet it could be EPIC! Great...
Hey! Thats not a pic of naked girls! But that pic is pretty hot... I'll change it to my screensavor!
The last time I played with you I asked you whether you were going to take a break on Zodiac and finish up this map. You said that everybody...
Crap I'm hard now JK (or am I) Gather up some porn and send it to me in a PM lol but seriosely...
Linibix told methis map got featured about an hour ago. It was funny because we both said it was worthy at the exact same time. It was pretty...
I really like this idea. A TGIF party made specifically for cummunity maps. It could show off your map in front of other forgehub users so they...
Shock did some adjusting to the respawn areas and deleted and moved some other respawns too. You both were huge helps and I don't evan know how to...
Oh man, I can't tell you how great this looks. You have created not only an amazing structure but it looks like he is doing something and moving...
You have a girl friend? I just got dumped lol
Thanks man! BTW, Aren't you a little to young to gave that profile pic? Just kidding thanks for recommending my map.
Welcome to forgehub! Advertising unfinished maps isn't allowed here. You can't post maps that havn't been finished in the map forums but you...
Hi Bl00d F1r3. My grandma just passed away now and I am very upset. I had to go to the funeral the last couple days so I couln't be online....
Scarfac3d, my grandma passed away yesterday and I am very upset now. Please let me help on Sk8 park 3 and don't exclude me. It has been a...
I am laughing now. I wrote that because I want to be included and Scarfac3d is kind of annoyed at me at the moment. Spamming his screen with...