I think his sig is a little big for the Forums. Forge Hub Halo Forums - View Profile: Sirant
Then, I don't know what to say.
What do you mean you don't search?
Then I guess you should stop searching for anima/Halo 3 wall papers?
No you... lol. Fine, I'll try to stop spamming your profile with crap. Season 2 is supposed to come out someday.
You need to love the song, that's how great it is. lol. Sorry.
YouTube - Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu Ending Dance Full with Full Song
lawl. Then your getting stalked by her.
But, it's such a good video to watch.
YouTube - Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu Ending Dance Full with Full Song Best video ever! Such an addicting dance and let's not forget the great...
It could be worse.
so... I get lazy fast. My pictures folder is just filled up with here in it.
I'm the kind of person you gets lazy after the 3rd page of looking. lol
Lucky you... I can narely find anything of her. lawl.
If she stalks you then you should be pround then. lol. I wish I could be stalked by her. Even my profile picture is awesome. lawl.
I vote for Obama for what he stands for in the world. (Yes, I have listened to the Presidental debate before)
Why? My Avatar is awesome with Anime in it. lol
How did you get that much rep? Rep is dead now and has no point but how?
If 'not_joe_14' is not your name then who is useing 'Albyhouse'