I stay on a lot but, most of the time I'll stay logged in just away watching things on you tube or just looking for new things for my...
All talk no action.
Oh really? I can't wait. But, I'm still not scared.
Secreat weapon eh? Your going into a losing battle with only you who hates Haruhi vs. a whole group filled with 11 members who loves the show. I...
Pal? I didn't know it was like that, If it's war they want; then we'll give them war.
I did a little Hit and Run attack of my own in your little social group. Your group is a direct threat to the group of Haruhism prepare to be...
I voted for Survivor man as people stated before it creates more of a mood when you know Survivor man is alone and not with a camera crew....
Okay, Have a nice day.
YouTube - Skittles. The best video ever.
I just watched it on Youtube. The first episode is kinda hard to understand if your new to the show.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Haruhi Suzumiya. It's hard to explain what's it's about. But, I really like the show and it's really funny at times.
True, like I would like to have a background to have my favorite anima show in it. But, I'm not going to go around asking for loyal. I'm just...
I'll be on tomorrow after school. But, why do you want loyal so bad all of a sudden?
Why are you not on Skype? I hope I didn't scare you away last night. Maybe I shouldn't have said that; I guess I should have left my problems to...
OMG!!! He works for Bungie then he must be good. Yeah, let's see if he wants to join our clan! Omg, He wants to be in our clan! *June comes and...
User must post well informed replies/topics User must not spam User is helpful to other forum members User always embeds pictures in their...
Well, I'm sorry I can't help you. But, give advice on how you can better yourself in the community.
So, I heard you want loyal?
Lawl. Yes, it is quite good.