I still think it's working. As long as it stalks your group then it worked.
Nope, You already used that weapon on me. Now I'm useing my weapon.
Thanks for signing up for TGIAD but since I'm hosting TGIF this friday of the event I will be sure to invite you to my party. Be sure that you are...
The fight Continues on...
Oh hi... And, how are you good sir?
Your greatest enemy eh? lol. I don't know what to say; I would like to thank the academy for this great award and I would also like to thank...
[IMG]http://[IMG]] Introducing Insane54 the person who could possibly destroy your group along with everything that is contained within it's walls.
It appears that you have a traitor within your group; It's RadiantRain and she is also a fan of 'The melochcany of Haruhi Suzumiya'. And, I...
Now you are introducing super weapons into the battle. I will see what the S.O.S Brigade next move will be.
Haruhi can make it past anything. (All you have to do is pour a lot of beer and get the little vermin Drunk out of their minds).
Fixed it now.
Crap, really? I'll get the proof soon then.
Got the Pictures of proof that Huruhi made it over the wall. lol.
The fight still rages on between our rival groups. If you want we can continue this fight on Xbox Live (if you have one). Haruhi will never die!
I went to Best buy but I forgot to buy a mic.
"Hello, My name is Matthew Bull and I want to file a complaint on a Customer service agent named Somar" "Somar broke my Xbox and now it's leaking...
Why you log off of skype?
Most of the time I'm now talking on skype with my friends.
I think this needs to be locked now. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/customer-service/44238-neutral-rep.html
Skype now?