Why? Very nice qoute of the day.
... Why did you not reply to my text message?
<3 you. Oh, and Haruhi loves you too.
Nothing. Just messing around.
What's your favorite episode in 'Suzumiya Haruhi'? I can't really think of one since they are so funny sometimes. lol.
I don't think she likes anyone at school. At least I didn't really ask her. Lawl. yep, you know I would like that. I can only wish.
Sad face... Then, I hope you feel better. I'll talk to Megan more when I see her in Gym. Who know's maybe something good will happen while I...
Oh wow. I heard that is the worst thing to do because it's so... Not personal. Get on skype or something then talking about girls through Visitor...
My current Christmas list... Call of Duty World at War Gun scope for my 5.56 Bushmaster Microsoft Points Skype headset (I could just go out and...
That's a bad idea. That's like asking someone out on a date on the internet. You better do it in person then doing it with a note. Unless you hand...
Sorry. I promise that when I get off school for Thanksgiving break I'll put the letter in her locker or just tell her myself. It depends on how...
Missed you. Glad that you are back or at least some what back.
I got to afraid and decided to wait till Thanksgiving to give her the note. lol.
I'm so glad you don't have Red Ring of Death. So many people have been claimed by the RRoD. You better check your warrenty on your Xbox or you...
lawl. I <3 you. I didn't know you had that much fun in my party. lol.
No, You lie. lol.
Yes. I watch Haruhi Suzumiya.
nah. I should get off soon before my mom gets mad at me for staying up to late. *cough 'Skype' cough*
Well then I guess I will just have to kill you now. lol If you don't want to download then that's fine; I just use Skype more since more people...
Hmm. Well you don't need a web cam or mic you can talk just like you would on Messenger with just using Skype instant messenger. lol. Oh well it's...