I'm not sure maybe he uses paint then photoshops it. I'm not sure aye. but yeah
Who needs GIMP or Photoshop?? MS paint is what the pros use.... check this guy out Pixelgod :: Online Portfolio of Raffaele Picca 2006 All his...
Lol check this guy out: Pixelgod :: Online Portfolio of Raffaele Picca 2006 go to "work" All his work is done using MS paint...
Salutations sex?
"The complete idiocy of the above post staggers me." stfu....... D=
lol your sig... you rapist...
lol... what for?
Hey, I just jailbroke my iPod touch. There are a hell of alot of applications to go check out. And I was thinking I'd ask you people what the...
Too late lol, it was a mission though. Filled me up so much >.<
1)Do you have skype? yes 2)Do you have a mic on your computer? yes 3)Will you do as we say? aslong as its fair. sure thang 4)What would you...
I'm in it ;D w00t
Hey buddy welcome to ForgeHub.
WoooooO! You're legal! Congrats. Happy birthday
I've been trying to figure it out for about 10 minutes and still not sure how. when I do eventually figure out how.. I have no idea what I shall...
How the hell do I make a blog? >.<
Just go with your heart
I'm counting on you bro... don't let me down ;D
Probably because no one else entered...
....no U