I like it, the links are snazzy. I also have a new signature. Like?
Thanks so much dude, your sigs are absolutely amazing.
I thought you were making my sig, but Locky made it >.<
I hate seeing useless maps with thousands of downloads
Yeah ;[ Quick! what should I say to make this not look like spam?!?! silhouettes are cool (I can't believe I spelled that right) Those...
Lol yeah I know, I was just being cheeky, trying to be cool.
Uhm, its 600 wide, the forum rules are that the max size is 200 x 500 Sorry, but your going to have to infract yourself ;] I'm curious as to how...
Mr. Journalist. Good for you
What about straight trippin? (My 2v2 team)[IMG] But in all seriousness.. Final Boss are looking really good Neighbor is really good. As long as...
Well.. all I did was copy paste... Titmar gets the credit.. He posted THIS which in turn let me find the medical one.
Ich bin Mastar du auch?
awh shucks you really think so? Only got 168 downloads :/
I love the name =D Nexus But srsly, from the pictures. It looks really sweet. I really love the hallway part with the sword and the double...
yeah. Up top controls the map. Just wasn't my style. Sanction is a good example of my style. As I made it to my liking.. The Pit is my favourite...
I dun like your avatar...
f it extended outwards along the flat more it'd be sweet
STFU. You didn't let anyone down. I lost too.. That map was really awkward too. You still have a chance anyway.
LOL yah we lost too, they were pretty cool though. We played some matchmaking with them after and stuff. Losers bracket will be easier though.