I already made the decision to buy it once I beat the original campaign, I just would have preferred to not know the climax of the story beforehand.
I'm guessing sent you a message is similar to Bungie's Voice Mail Chronicles, or whatever it's called. This would probably fit better in Off Topic.
I think it was some Mcdonalds game on the NES or SNES. Either that or Double Dragon.
Some people would like to know whether it's worth the buy or not first.
Consider it wasting a portion of the $20 we spend to get it.
Care to explain what you do in it?
Agreed. GTA has one of the best story lines, and I hate it when people give things away like that.
This is an awesome idea! I'm re-downloading Gimp right now, and maybe once I get some free time I'll ask for a teacher.
There's a summary at the bottom if you don't want to read the whole thing. Well, Left 4 Dead is scary in that "What's going to happen next?"...
Just personal opinion, I guess.
Eh, it's not necessarily a bad thing, I just think that cars are more interesting and offer more room for uniqueness. New bikes aren't bad,...
Not to downsize the DLC, but most of those 20 new cars are actually new motorcycles. And, I just remembered I have the Halo Wars demo on my HD,...
What exactly does the pipebomb do? What are the new multiplayer modes, and how are they?
If everything could be transferred over to the original game, this would be a definite buy for me. I'm just not sure, because it's like $20 and...
While that is a logical answer, if you look at the change at 0:35, the dress she changes into has a higher neck than the one before. I'm trying to...
Well, I don't want to spoil it for anyone who just wants to be mystified, but... [spoiler] Doesn't really explain how they did it, though.
This is truly one of the most amazingly, mind-bottling things I have ever seen! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Axi58IkRkvk&feature=related Extra...
Oh, well, I didn't suggest him posting those things in the PPC. I just told him that if he continued that alot of people would probably start...
Lol, I just made a thread about this which was ranted upon by several members - yourself included, Shatakai - and then locked. Who was right aboot...