I'm not following you...
Telrad, this isn't a discussion on which special infected is better at killing survivors. Hunters obviously do more damage in many situations,...
When I was playing I actually felt like I was doing something as the Smoker. I almost always do some damage now before they get free.
Why were you looking at her shoulder?
Sounds to me like it won't force you to switch at a certain point, but it will hurt you if you don't or do it too early.
I'm not sure if there is multiplayer. this info was just released a few days ago, so we don't know too much. The switching instruments just...
Gamespot may have turned the very concept of it into an April Fool’s gag, but EA will indeed be releasing a PSP-exclusive entry in its Rock Band...
I think that's there intentionally. If you pull back at all you just hop off to get off at a moments notice. What the patch refers to is where...
Tell me about it! From what I've heard, the Smoker isn't completely useless now. I just finished my homework and can't wait to try it out.
Official Steam News 02-24-2009 07:28 PM -------------------------------------------- A free update for the Xbox 360 version of Left 4 Dead is...
Alright, that's better. I might check it out.
Oh, yeah I understand. When I said "make" a game, I consider all who are involved in the game "made" the game, because what they do influences the...
Activision's making it? I'm somewhat less excited now...
That sounds awesome! I'll definitely have to check out this game.
Want some tips?
Those three are on my list to check out. Singularity looks pretty cool, although I will probably only buy it if they can fit the time...
I have played it, but never owned it.
That's what the comments said.