As in grade wise or in hilarity factor?
Oh, and Ceiling cat, Colin, and Ronald.
Which one were you? Or were you all of them?
I haven't read the graphic novel, but I really liked the ending. It let you decide what was good and evil based on how you saw it. And, since I...
You people had no taste in games. Pokemon Snap was outstanding.
View the article on IGN here. Key Points - Will be free for Xbox 360 and PC - Will be released in March or April - Special edition of L4D that...
People with lower post count. They have pressed the submit button less, and they are therefore, not as good as us.
Certain parts are hard to follow and figure out what to read next, especially the "On Television" line. I'm not even sure where that fits in....
Ok, get a job on Xbox.
The fact that he knew it was a joke the second he saw the guy's face made the video as funny as it was. Good find. Oh, and get a job.
But this one has zombies...
Those games were amazing!!! How could you hate those!?
Honestly, no, I probably wouldn't. But it's fun, and that's all that really matters to me.
Sure that sounds good. I'm always in the mood for L4D. Just shoot me a FR. GT: Shatakai
What upgrades?
I used to live in Dallas. FW sucks, I hate it.
That's just not my personality.
I know you tried to make it look distant when you blurred her, but it ended up looking more LQ than far away.
Well we can't all be as badass as you, Sarge. (And I'm not making fun, I'm serious)
Sure, it's easy. Click on User CP tab and on the left side there should be an option that reads "Customize Profile". There are things labeled...