V2 looks really bad, honestly. The first one is pretty good and much better, although I agree that even if you are going for an empty look there...
Tell me when you are getting back on Xbox.
Engineers can't heal scarabs, can they? And by the time you've built TWO scarabs, any competent player would have led an attack and destroyed you...
Looks pretty good. I bet it could offer some unique gameplay with the window. I'll definitely download this once I start playing Halo again....
Yeah, the music was something else I wanted to comment on. The first song was great, building up the intensity with the announcer and then syncing...
The gameboy games never get old. They are infinitely replayable. Although they have lost some of their shine now that they have like over a...
Well I wasn't sure because I haven't gotten on in like two days, so a patch could have been implemented. Anyway, I made a thread about the patch...
Yeah... not anymore. Pokemon was the **** back in the day.
You mean the one they did like a week or two ago?
I know, I lied to get more views. I'm shallow...
Alot of the effects were cool, but just make sure not to edit colors and composition on every single clip. You should use them to accentuate the...
I'm glad they included Survival Mode. If you wanna play a good game of L4D you really got to set out like an hour to an hour and a half of...
This is far from the first RTS on a console. Sure, they all sucked, but this isn't the first one. What I'm saying, and to basically reiterate what...
Wtf does being Asian have to do with anything?
Don't ask me...
So he can learn how to turn it into something he does think is good.
But you probably wouldn't have even downloaded the demo if it wasn't Halo themed, so your argument is invalid.
I see a large trend of these threads throughout the near future...
That is such a random grade. Well, considering I have no idea what the story is even about, I can't really give a grade. Although, it was pretty...