silent hill 3
i didnt mind the scanning tbh. i read a lot of the planet info. o.0
And sarge said keepers. And the keepers arent really anyones servants they're just drones, you still see them in me2 (dlc)
jump and melee it seems. not too sure about the others though.
tip: as a pack, run in circles while slashing. the only thing that can stop you is another human or a lucky stasis
i hate this map. but gratz anyway.
[IMG] cnsee
i was looking around about this before the teaser and originally it was planned to release in 2012. teaser really meant nothing, wait for next...
poke holes in her birth control pills.
keep jizzing around her ******, like really close just to taunt her. also, SHE CRAZY BEECH
karl gauss.
dead space 2 multi is actually awesome fun.
i was, and it does. especially the new regenerator.
is it me or does it look like a resistance alien now?
its less dark and dingy which is better to play in, but its just not as scary. its jumpy, but its lost a bit of the atmosphere. but its a sequel...
we need event staff it seems. flol
thats a g650. not a g6.
we dont all live in khazard dun and have to haul rocks.