just eat loads of mexican food and take the phone to the toilet with you. when they call, you'll know what to do.
BT is white.
Big balls. Enormous balls. Oddball. Play ball.
O hey tusken raider. I am your facebork friend.
Who's Holden ford?
The girl I like basically, you know the one shuman. That six chan that sent the anon message is ****ing funny, I lol at the little kids that try...
so my friend has a status about boys being idiots he goes and says make a sandwich with [real ingredients] and enthusiasm and integrity. i pick up...
and then the little crybaby ran to his little chan pimp. [IMG] im ashamed of the human race.
i just logically owned some nob head and this is what he messaged me. [IMG]
10 minutes. you lose.
six hour bump.
runescape/diablo 1 [-_-]
tell me more tell me more or just play d2 with me
freind-o? are you on crack?
I'm surprised I'm not a suggested friend
like sex and porn.
and how have you experienced this live music? was it live? probably through the TV. pow!
oh no.
dead island looks like its gonna be something as hypeful as dead rising one, then deliver as much as dead rising 1 in short, its gonna be another...