yes i do: QKT100
lol, then i must have just caught it just in time! does it not say it anymore? EDIT: so im right :)
texan, you're like this towards randle. we get the full version when its released silly.
BANBANBAN from life. owait, its chuck and grif we're talking about. /done
which tower is that? cos put put a 2x2x8 marker so i could remember where my lair was.
note that i said admins.
(theorem had his join date changed by admins)
why dont you play minecraft out of browser like a real person?
yes no but want to and yes. all pretty ****ing cool.
well the environment changed so there was less opportunity for tension. if they made the levels similar then people would complain. although that...
grif is now na'vi ****.
did such an epic ****, my leg's gone numb.
locking that thread of that video of the fat screaming kid even though the flaming had died down.
the only way to get a song unstuck is to listen to it YouTube - Chase & Status 'Blind Faith' feat. Liam Bailey Official Video CENSORED VERSION
you mod weird bro.
ill get...on chuck.
like every scary thing, its scariest on first contact. its expected. was a better game though.
but bungie has its humpday thing. so
seed 'Glacier' its actually epic. water sources at cloud height.
**** land i'm on a boat.