Yay, a poll, now I'm happy.. (Really)
This thread is pointless and will be totally obslolete in afew hours..
Score! V2, I am SO glad you made the regenorator fall instead of just hanging there..
Lol, I did bump it, but now I don't really care anymore, this is a great map and so what if it always remains on the top page, then more will see it.
Welcome to forgehub, I hope you find all you need for great forging and fun. You look like you are pretty familiar with forge, but perhaps you...
It isn't that big of a deal, but yeah, too many comments are being posted on this map... and please don't reply to this just to bump it.. please..
Very nice, this layout definately looks well thought out.
O my gosh, all I can say is that this the most amazing thing i have seen done in forge.. seriously... a moving working conveyor belt...
Na, rockets were fine, it just adds to the whole "rocket rush" mindset. And becasue it has the appropriate 180 second respawn rate, it is all kosher.
Now that you have fixed the issue with the size of the pictures, add some more please because I can't tell what this map is all about without teh...
Yeah thanks, when you say downlaoding it from my fileshare, do you mean the Bnet thread? I am just asking because it isn't linked to my fileshare...
Forgetting someone are we...? *Cough Brute Ca...*
I remeber testing this yesterday, it was a blast! If you look hard at the 6th pic you can see me, I have a sword on my back. Anyway this is great...
I'm pretty sure there is already a map titled Pitfall here on forgehub, but it is old..
Please change your thread title to only that of your map's name, otherwise, good post.
Oh and Jlewis, don't double post please.
Competitive maps can have tricky stuff and secret stuff, I still strongly feel this belongs with the better maps in competitive. Would you please...
Good idea, but I agree with G043R, it looks very empty on the bottom, you need to add more things such as cover, and weapons.
Whoa dude, this looks great! I love the use of interlocking and creative layout. Dude but why did you put this in casual maps, this looks like a...
Ok, that is great and all but never double post again...