Oh yeah, well did you know that for an image to be embedded it HAS to be on an image hosting site, which he has not done. Bungie threads now allow...
NO, he cannot simply copy that. He would still have to have embedded pictures.
Hello and welcome to forgehub. I have noticed that you have a few things wrong with your post. First, your thread title needs to be just of your...
I almost didn't see this map at the bottom of the second page... good thing I did. This looks like the best made of the ledge Avalanche map I have...
Y35, I have even used interlocking and geometry merging on the new maps, why do you ask?
Oh yes, I still have this. I don't know why it has so little views and replies... I know what to look for in quality maps, and I have to say, this...
I'm just glad you will be updating this, I mean, it will be even more awesome with improved cover and better weapons!
You really ought to have more pictures. As for the map, it looks fairly simple and basic, perhaps a little more could be added...
There aren't that many more weapons than the default Blackout. And of course with certain areas blocked and certain jumps... reversed there will...
For the most part, this looks great. I just adore the way you have constructed those forerunner structures, but the only thing I don't like is...
This is based on knowledge about the bungie forums as well as with my experiences, there is no point to bump it there, your map will just get...
I hate that map, so now I hate you... (I don't really hate you but really I could make I am Legend in like a couple of hours... in my sleep...)
Aww dude tightness! I love maps like these, cool fence floors, tight spaces and barriers to make coming around that corner unpredictable.
Oooohh! I have actually played on this, I'm not sure if you showed me Grif, but I definately remember this. Lol, I thought I was invincible, then...
This map does have it's charms, but also there are some areas I believe that you could improve upon, such as straightening out a few things and...
It looks like you have taken good ideas from many house based maps and incorporated them very well, pulling the map together for great fun.
This looks very good. I like the way you have done multiple levels, and everything seems to be neat and precise.
Those spawns were some of the original ones left intact so I felt no need to change them. Honestly sometimes I find it interesting to have to...
Metroshell, most people, I'm just saying, would disagree. I have seen many posts in which users will leave comments advising not to tkae...
Your map itself looks very interesting and good, but you should avoid taking screenshots from forge, spawn points don't make maps look appealing.