What was that canyon of text for.. I love Tension, but I was just pointing out that your map was primarily successful because of the video. Really...
I noticed that too yesterday, one of Bungie's April Fool's jokes...
No one else reply telling him to embed and moderator please do not lock yet.. yet. I will try and assist this user. Ok, Ringblades, if you can...
I would really like to see pics at least 50% larger, then I can get a btter idea of what your map is about. I like your creative and interesting...
This map and your Minas Terith look too similar to me. Kinda looks like one is an improved version of the other...
Whoa nice! Even though the picture quality is apalling it looks reall cool. Great job on the geometry/layout.
From the screens I can see some areas that could've been interlocked and some crooked stuff like a fence wall.
Sure can, I have 24 slots so plenty of room.
I love sniping and MLG, and I love the way you have made this map. You have my download.
This isn't really something new, its been done many a time before...
Great looking fun! I love interlocking, and yours especially, you have done a good job makikng "hills". I like that you intentionally inttegrated...
As you have been previously told, this post does not meet the forgehub standards, and I would strongly reccomend that you read this topic for all...
Re: The 3 Story Giant House v4 [infection] [new map link - updated!] Please change your thread title to only that of your map's name. And also, I...
Overall this map is excellent. The interior is genius as well as the outside areas. My only complaint is I wish the roof looked a little more......
I really like the look of this map. It makes for a great aesthetic area, but the gameplay really isn't that strong. The layout is simply too small...
I agree, I have yet to see another map, except Kentucky Tango, that has captured certain aesthetic elements like the flower.
I kinda wish there were pics... but I think you should also make a COD4 remake list, that would be awesome.
Re: Battle Grounds! (v1.2) Now that I think about it I think I'll have to try some MLG on this, I'm just a little worried it isn't flexible...
This is probably one of the more creative maps out there, you have really done a great job on capturing a unique feel for this level. I really...