Oh hello. It appears you have a posting issue and thus this thread is not up to forgehub standards. You are lacking embedded pictures, so you need...
I don't really go for the "small enclosed and basic layout" type maps, there just doesn't seem to be enough to it to stack up to the other maps...
I love snipers, and I love Furious..........'s maps. What more could I ask for? (Boy that was one awkward long pause)
Man, I like the way these maps look but I sure don't like to play on them. They just make me actually dizzy, it feels too weird to function...
Meh... I have seen much better. They are just some somewhat cool screenshots from campaign, but thanks for sharing.
Team Doubles isn't tricky, I'm a 48, it is just hard to get to 50..
I have to say, well done. You have done a great job with making an organic feeling enviroment with interlocking. And also, your first picture...
Nice dude, an Avalanche map that looks different from the others. I like some of the things you have done with the map, but, maybe you should...
I have played on this before. I remeber that I really liked how neat and well forged it looked, very cool.
Now this map, this looks fun. I really love those pit type things, I always loved some form of lowered area blended together with a regular...
I love the idea. I also like all of them, you guys need to keep in mind that some of these weren't intended for actual gameplay. But, instead for...
I am very good at SWAT. Ask a few people like maybe Defiler. But anyway, I think that the top map(s) for SWAT are: The Pit, Ghost Town, Blackout,...
I remeber playing this with some forgehub people a while back, it was really fun. I love how you crafted the level so you actually do get and...
I only see one pic as some have stated... Perhaps you should enlighten us some more on your map so we can have a better understanding.
whoa, it looks nice. Better than the foundry ones I must say, in terms of color. Good job.
You see Y35, I knew you would come to like the forged Legendary maps, it was just a matter of time...
Well duh it is, who doesn't like their own maps, and usually their latest because that is the one they have played most recently...
Soo.. what you are saying may or may not be true. Thier maps may be totally different and for a different purpose, so just concentrate on how good...
I wemember dis! Man, this was really fun, you all got PWNED big time!
You guys are silly, I was never arguing, lol, you know me. I'm always ageeable. Anyways I did llok at his bungie thread and it does look promising.