Silly Nitrous, tricks are for kids! Sorry you got warned for speaking your mind, dude.
Bastard! How dare you! Just kidding, it's your opinion, I don't mind. Are there any ways you think I can improve it to help the "wow" factor? I'd...
I wanted your first post to be worthy of this map, reserving this space was a must. Sorry everyone behind me with the itchy fingers, maybe next...
My vote is for Mikey, there are just so many artistic attributes subliminally added to it that I love, like the transition of rough leather to...
I'm going to + rep you whenever I am able to from now on. Seriously, keep up with the ****ing speeches dude, I love seeing those goldmines that...
"Emo" is derived from the adjective "Emotional". I see nothing wrong with being an emotional individual. There's an extent of being depressed to...
Don't You Play Dumb With Me I Know What You're Up To!!!!!!11!!!1
Well, look who thinks he's special. You're just like the rest of us, no special title 'll change that. *Glare* Sickening. *pukes*
eeeeeeeargh whyyyyyyyyyyyy
eeeeeeeeeeeeeargh wtf
Erm, I'm honored, but was this really necessary? Have a nice vacation, though. : P
lolnub BF is for insane peopls
haithar supwitchoo?