no U wait, what?!
It's already stickied, but it's cool, t'was just a thought. Thanks dood.
Aye, Shock, would you consider moving this to the maps section itself? Feel free to say no, it's just a thought....
DUDE CONGRATULATIONS ON- Oh, am I late...? *Slowly walks away, head hung low*
Okey dokey, I thought I'd make a topic after being so disliked upon for my critiquing style (another website), which is understandable even from...
Yup, I managed to piss off the one dude that actually respected me there with the post, too. It was a little harsh and I did mock him a bit, but I...
I'm not cool anymore? :, ( Have you seen our maps section at all, dude? Yeah, not letting that happen to another board.
Double rank? Why don't they just promote other Pub dudes already? Oh well, gratz on a somewhat subliminal promotion. I noticed, you're...
And now you're back. Thanks for that, dude.
inb4 flooda "wtf" comments.
Happy birthday, GoodWhale. Best wishes.
The ****ing definition of Irony. If only Sarge...
Message me on Skype, it aint' working when I try you. "In this song, "Grace" is used as in the phrase "grace of god", not a woman's name. Matthews wrote...
I love Jerry Jackson. I din't know anyone else knew about him, I haven't seen him in the longest time. For you stupid stupids out there, this is...
Don't congratulate him, no! Mock him on his girly color! Of course, mine is a manly color. His is only girly because he's the one wearing it.
you too?! it's a friggin' epidemic!
hax, i call hax!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's just something that, if you know him, Chris would definitely do in his spare time. He's really ****ing hilarious if you get past his "I'mma...
Since when do you make maps? *head asplodes*