Like who, I've seen little name changing as of late. : \
Oh, you silly T3chnomonkey, you!
That's funny, I like to Forge also. :)
I'm really into SHUT THE **** UP. With all love intended, of course.
It's cool, at least you'll feel safe in your home knowing that someone is always watching through the kitchen window. Cookies? Bleh, have a...
I.... um, wait, wa... there... I... er, um... No, I stalk you. Fine, you? What is this...?
It's a ****ing Kangaroo, **** you Linu! D:
He's got ****ing ale, does that scream friendly to you?!
Get away from me you freaking Kangaroo!
... And? Isn't that supposed to be a good thing? : P
: ( Why aint'chu on Skype, Arahi?
They're already brawling on their own accord, I refuse. Put of your own mitts, eh?! Ya coward!
Said Kangaroo is a drunk asshole, that's what he is! I refuse to play fisticuffs with such a character, Sir.
Brilliant! How daring of those specks of liquid to attempt such an incredible feat, and how completely fantastic of a view we have here to watch...
I already did 'put 'em up'! You put them up, foo'! Q(.\/.Q)
Oh, indubitably, Sir! Can you see the specks of water, as they dash the delicately off of said mammal's tale? Truly marvelous, indeed.
Nemi: Waitwut? Linu: I don't care who was talking first, I'm tougher than you so back off!
Quite. You first.