It's so you can't sprint right into lunge range and **** someone up. It would be hardcore overpowered if you could attack out of sprint.
Galactic Empire State of Mind - CollegeHumor video lolololool
Hahah it was actually supposed to be video game health care but it randomly linked to terrorists..I think it's fixed now
Video Game Health Care Bill - CollegeHumor video Loltastic I hate videos..just click RA!
You can still spin, just use right index finger for X. The only reason I wouldn't want to use this with other AA is that I dislike using my...
Naw, it makes a huge difference. Took me a bit to change my thought process but left bumper jump is just too solid. To be honest if it comes...
GoldenEye, Assassin's Creed, Driver, Bloodstone URLs reg'd - News at GameSpot As the article says, it appears as if a domain name was registered...
From the videos I watched, I wasn't a huge fan of the gameplay of the AR. Didn't seem like it changed much.
I'm still wondering how bungie is going to explain the existence of an alpha company spartan (Carter).
But that's where you are wrong, because it actually isn't physically useless. It's stats don't suck. Sure, it could have been better and sure...
I'm gona miss the old style of ranking up. I hope there is a "50" to achieve.
Sooo not true, if that's the case you are using it wrong. SMG can beat AR, SMG can beat Mauler, Spiker, PR, PP, Shotty. If you pay enough...
The SMG was actually good, it was a better close range weapon than the AR. It should have been H3's start weapon (if it wasn't going to be the BR)
Kinda looks floating to me
Yeah they disproved the 32 thing after the April Fools thing. As for the Banshee, I agree. It just seems like a clutter move on their part.
"Have there been any changes made to the way vehicles work? A: The Banshee has received the most drastic change, at least in terms of usability....