Ok, sweet, seeya then. BTW, I'm on most early afternoons.
you think you have problems with nubs asking for feechurz? try being a journo...
ok... umm... holy [other thoughtlessly named vegetable/fungi] and raising the bar? pfft... all i did was build an arch that serves little to no...
Holy shitake mushrooms, I made a grown man cry AND I'm eating a kebab!!!!!!! I have accomplished something today. And no, I can't wait.
OMFG u liek totes stol wut I wuz gun do... i fuxin hait u jaykay it looks awesome, are you online now? can I has walkthrough?
err what?
\o You forgot me in the credits though: Victim: Iv0rY Snak3 But it's understandable that you take pride in killing me... I must've been in...
Oh, I just saw your post, yes testers would be nice, but asap, I only have about 15-20 minutes before I have to leave for school.
testing what my good sir? cause we are looking for a fourth to test a possible feature (but don't tell the party if you join)
'tis on guardian, there are vines on the slope from blue room to top mid that rustle when you walk through them (the minor part) There is a...
GET ONLIEN NOW!!!!!!! GRATEST MOD EVAR!!! it's pritty...
don't mean to pressure you or anything, but have you made any progress with the map yet?
... ... ... ... ... wtf...
yeah, well, my dog's gangsta, and i don't even have a dog!!!!
pfft I can win in three...
quite tired...
nevermind, it doesn't matter.
Dude, with the map, try to keep it minimalistic if possible, because it still has a chance at being under budget, and there fore a chance at...
good to know, good to know... I'm going to bed, I was up til 2 the other night, so I figure I'll catch up now, cya.