skype r lag mai computar The real Shock Theta.. apparently... Anyway, nice vid, damn insane and his skills at stuff and things...
Silly boy, on Vice's map I killed the minotaur (hotpokkaminny(Luca)) within 5 seconds of the game starting.
Well send me an invite when you do, I'll be offline lulz.
I think that said pediatric... but yeah, get onlien nub
5owwy, i wuz not paying attenshun 2 fawgehubz. inv me pl0xzorz (yes I noe i is offlien0
LIGHTS, it's called a grav lift...
AWww... I wanted to make a jump off the ramp of the elephant...
Can we use a version with Elephants should we have a use for them? (in their default place of course) and can we make it one long line of...
Feel free to PM me the screens, as I did the majority of geometry. As for your comment on CTF, we have infact set up one flag, but with the...
well if you can get on right now I can take a quick look
because bungies announcement learnt me nothiing
well, i have school now, but this time tomorrow (or a bit later) should be fine.
announcement was failface
Yes, I had heard of your map, but this map has had SSSOOOOOOOOOO many name changes, and all of them got stolen, so once I got up to Eclipse (which...
oh hai
I'll geomerge the proforge with the forgedome.
Party hats AND interlocking... always needs more interlocking.
yeah... that costs extra...