you're live's runing out btw. Time to make a new account lol?
Team betraying, 4 shots, sniper headshots.
Vous parlez français? Oui? Oh wait. You can speak better in english. That's good I suppose, this site's in english anyways. Here's a link to all...
Pic 4. Can you walk up it? The map is looking pretty epic aesthetically, btw. Will there be snipers on the map? Because you could use the hornet...
Like this?(Hooray for paint+labtop keyboard mouse) [IMG] Of course the jump would look more epic. Oh, and the blue lines are the checkpoint.
Option 2. More epic. There haven't been like any race track maps with working huge epic jumps. I don't like opt.1 because it'd be a pain to be in...
Behind the barrel. You were supposed to make your images so you could make them bigger. I win, yes?
Actually the 1st is you, wife, and kids. It's funny because it can probably happen which is what I think they're trying to get at.
Looks more like a standoff sized map to me. But to be honest, I was hoping for more open space for vehicle based combat.
Molyneux announcing Fable 3 at GamesCom. [IMG]
lol ok. But I'm not jewish ..
>:O I don't see too many people who can speak french here, I've been going to a french immersion school for 3 years, but it's still not that...
Hopefully the story line is a bit deeper at least, but I honestly didn't enjoy Fable 2 all that much and actually ended up trading it for L4D. But...
Duh. For teh luls. EMP grenade? Does what a sticky grenade does, but when you stick someone or a vehicle with it, their shields will be rendered...
You should embed the pics, but from what I saw it looked pretty good. It's just that the flooring for the 3rd piece and the walls in the 4th pic...
LOL. I would laugh if that actually happened. Kinda hope it doesn't though... I don't really want to pick marathon up just for recon. But if you...
That's pretty nice of you, but is it just for halo? Or other games as well? Because I need help finishing Halo Wars legendary campaign, I just...
Well, maybe the problem is that the drop pods are TOO close together? That's a probable reason to why your drop pod does not work, or maybe even...
... I need to beat 2 more levels on legendary, Arcadia city(rescuing the people), and the one where you use the rhino to destroy the shield. If...
Number 1,3,4,6,7 you've already posted before in another thread, there's not really any need to repost them, just introduce your new ones....