ZOMG. Kay, I updated it. I'm still keeping WORT though.
lol the brute looks pissed. He's gonna go OM NOM NOM on the grunt's face.
Youtube drastically degrades the video quality. But it looks like HD render is the best.
it's kay. Everyone does. It looks like rifle on FH. :P It was supposed to be rifle gifle originally, but I made a typo with my GT :D
Eh, a bit hard to explain it. But the gametype is one sided VIP. There's still zombies and humans though. It's infection without the infection....
Dude do you have that one ODST medic gametype we played a few days ago? I <3'd it.
That's the thing-its not infection. It was going to be released as part 2, but we decided not to since it was too much unlike L4D.
I'm thinking of throwing in an extra side mission in a bit that my friend's been working on. It's not very L4D-ish, but still kind of fun and goes...
I only understood it when EGP explained it. Didn't really think it was funny, needs a better angle. It looks like the red guy just sniped the blue...
Sweet. There's a part in the E3 video where they are driving in a mongoose, and you can see a red object floating above a bridge. Guess it was an...
;) I've lost so much inspiration in it though. The place I'm trying to make it is a REAAAAL ***** to make stuff in. But I'll get it done sooner or...
The 3rd is the best. Simple, cool angle, and unlike the other ones, not ruined by crummy effects.
disc 1 will have theater as well. It wouldn't make sense to have to switch game discs just to see something cool you did and then switch back to...
I don't think they'll be keeping the brute vehicles(since they probably won't be in the game), but right now I'm just speculating. I'd love to see...
You should've complained about the Johnson coin ;)
Super Sleuth - Find the final clue unraveling the mystery, alone or with another ODST. 10 [IMG] Vidmaster Challenge: Classic - Finish any level...
I sent you ODS3, the gametype, and a perfectly working drop pod.
Does that mean Johnson might have a helmet too then?
Reach has been confirmed to be an FPS.
... If the maps ONLY came with ODST, it would force people into buying them, and I'm pretty sure bungie did mention there were no plans for these...