Okay, this is what I thought could have changed with the map to maybe at least make it run smoother. Spawn killing. Although you placed the...
Halo 3: ODST Bungie Career Stats - Halo 3: ODST Bungie Stats | Image Gallery | Gear Live This one is from bungie.net though. [IMG]
Found it. If you look on the right, you'll notice the different classes. [IMG]
Or... it could be a brute-edited version so instead of being a healer/scientist, it gives others in the vicinity overshields?
Yes. I 'found' it in someones wallet.
They looked like that in Halo wars. And that pic is how the engineers were intended to look in halo CE but got cut out. Also, if you have the halo...
They give out overshields to the enemies(brutes drones ect) though, I found that pretty cool.
Sure, it's not my picture though lol.
Serious man. I saw a thread just yesterday talking about it. There were different classes for brutes, jackals, drones, and grunts I believe. Can't...
So the beta test is in a few hours? I'll try to get on then, I'd like to try a firefight map on ghost town. I think you should geomerge some of...
Actually, my first GT was rifte gifle. Then I changed it to sPaG3Tt1 5AwC3. I asked my friends to report it for me after a while because I didn't...
Well there are new classes for the other enemies as well... And the thing at 0:51 is an engineer.
Either Ganon or.. [IMG]
Most members with over 300 posts that fit the rule below have been here long enough to know not to do this. I won't be signing up for this, my...
Actually no, you're right. Did a google and found this. NEW HUNTER CLASSES! And the return of the Halo 1 hunter! The gold one in the video didn't...
No, look at it frame to frame. You'll notice that when he's not in the light, he's a dark-bluish color. At 0:25 the guy almost gets splattered...
today. We go back to school a full week earlier to go to the world skills competition. Calgary paid 82 million for it, and only gr.9 and 10's are...
It's just the lighting that makes it look golden. At 0:40 it changes back to a dull blue color because it's underneath the shadow of a wall or...
Divided is really good. I like where the colors change, and how you used the katana.
I agree, the spartans do ruin it because they give you a rough guess at how big and where the objects are placed. Sometimes they're good and add...