Photoshop it so it's purple then.
What's your avvy now?
The first one is behind the red light? In the warthog? I don't know because it's too pixelized for me to see details that are far in the distance....
A kind of skull perhaps? Or a you've-reached-this amount kind of thing?
I had not noticed this. Fail. Sign me up- rifte gifle
my TV's being used. :( oh and the video is almost done. I'll link you in like a minute YouTube - Halo 3-Left4Dead No Hope Part 1-The...
I got an idea for the rest of the No Hope campaign, and we can even use your orbital idea. I'll send you a personal message.
Tank. Headshots disabled. Forgot to mention that(oops)
Sewers 16 players Creator: rifte gifle Map:No Hope P1-Sewers Gametype:Left4Dead Sewers is the first installment of a 3 or 4...
What do you mean by that? If you mean have it disappear for a while so you can interlock something with it, then I'd recommend seeing this. Is...
Had a 20gig. The xbox broke. I still have the HDD. I got a new one a while ago, it's 60gig, and works great. So in total, I have 80 gigs. :D
I'd retry this pic on citadel or heretic when it comes out(it would make sense for a mointor to be there, right?) and on forge with an actual...
Lol.. good job getting onto community spotlight even though a random number generator was used :P
There's also been an invisibility confirmed.