Stickied. make sure to advertise it lots.
Oh my god. I never thought you would actually go through with this. You can has epic win good sir! This post is also a reservation spot for my...
It's a video game people! Like it or not, 'children' will pick up this game and play it to the bone. And like it or not, video games have an...
Any more posts asking for pictures and/or saying post is not up to standards will result in infraction(s). This thread will be closed in 24 hours...
In my attempt to find more politicians singing famous songs, I have found the George W. Bush remix of Bloody Sunday. It's incredibly ironic....
Happi Happi Birfdai.
Look out. Dwight is watching.
Oh, why hello thar.
Watch out Rick, here comes Barack!
I infracted him for 2147483647 points.
Make the sig of the week 500 x 200.
Nope. That would be pretty cool though.
The Bush administration tried to fabricate a link between al qaeda and saddam, just so they may invade for the oil. If you really believe what...
>__> <__< >__<
Oh god no!
Just locked it =] One map featured, one more to go.
I can vaguely comprehend were you are coming from Yellow, but cease your condescending nonsense directed towards Dom says Oi. The current way you...
You will.
How much longer must this thread go on?!! The local citizens there were better off before America's presence in the Middle east. The U.S. is only...
There will be idiots posting on the thread saying" lul we don't care bout you gtfo". I'll be sure to delete any posts like that, plus the hefty...