That seems logical, exceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeept I believe vehicles will die too since Bungie mentioned race tracks and what-not and it seemed to imply...
QFT and I loved your hypothetical scenario. Though to be fair we do already have the "Non-Foundry" tag soooooooo, I dunno, that could become...
I'm only messin' around. I don't want credit. I had a brief venture into the map with my buddy this evening and we know what to do in the first...
Can' I must build Ascension!!!
Ah the OLN will bring back nostalgic days of the old budget glitch for me. When we used to have 1 of every item on the map. Now we'll just have to...
Well I finally got round to playing this. I was even sent this personally by yourself before it was posted, the honour, wasted on the likes of...
Oooooooo, anuva co-op puzzle! Aye, I shall be getting my puzzle bitc---buddy! to help me out with this one. Looking forward to playing this! I...
I gots it aaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllll covered, dun worry it's gun b k!
Well at least this has answered my question as to whether the KillBall was equipment or forge object. We now know it's a forge object only, makes...
You're like the silent partner (the way a partner should be, amirite?), the glue that holds the project together! I'm the "face" of the project,...
These pictures are awesome, rargh! So those blue and red orbs are indeed "Base Markers", with dynamic lighting no less! OOOOOOOOOOO we can make...
I assume you fixed those breaks I showed you aaaaaaaaaages ago. If you haven't I suggest you take a look at that vid on my Fileshare again!...
I'm looking forward to the demo. Maybe just maybe I'll finally be able to play an RTS I can actually play.
It seems odd them having the bases hollow like that but with no front entrance and stuff. I'm thinking there's probably a teleporter down there....
I have projects in the works. I'm considering transferring those projects over to Sandbox though. So I've halted my forging until I can analyse...
I'm not a harsh mistress, I was just hoping it would make you reflect on your posting, erm, "Style". Especially considering your current, erm,...
Edit: Quote removed to spare "Jokes". Wow, you managed to fit Racism, Ignorance, Laziness, Insults, Spam and Irrelevance all into one extremely...
Yeah I'm pretty sure Free Radical have gone the way of the dodo, so there will be no TimeSplitters 4... I for one am gutted, I loved the...
Oh, er, crap. I mean......yeah I was talking about a different>.> Well I still stand by my prediction even if I now lack...
I agree. I look forward to deleting the sun, the sand, and the clouds. I plan for my map to be a void filled vacuum (oxymoron ftw) Inb4Lock....