If it were set so that you respawned if one of your team mates killed an enemy that would be alright. I'd play it then =]
1] Complete Map - (with weapon, health, armor, pigeon, etc. locations) Enter the URL "www.whattheydonotwantyoutoknow.com" into computers in the...
Actually I thought he looks like he's doing the dance from thriller
Yeah just Reynbow =] Link it here, to my Bungie account =D
Yeah sure no worries =]
It's cool, need to change the font and the font colour however. Also need to slow it down. And a border... Everything looks better with a border =]
This is absolutely great. Very entertaining. Can't say I've had much hilarious stunts in my time in Liberty City. Except for one time I was riding...
Please friend, take that moment. Take that moment and you sit with it. Sit with it liek have never sat with a moment before in your life....
Here you go projectt2501, I typed one up for you I'm sure google could have helped but I like to help also. And I don't think forgehub has a...
Halo 3 Photoshop Panorama Turorial If you don't know what a Halo3 Panorama is, here's an example. [IMG] Generally they are horizontal but...
Just need to make sure you don't move the left thumbstick, only the right one. Take a few then stitch them together =] Try to make sure 40% of...
Lol umm yeah, ONN FTW =D
No chance, I think the Trailer will be destroyed. At least they got the actors back =\
I've already posted these randomly around the site somewhere here but this is the topic that's been waiting for them =P Here we are. [img] [img]...
Yeah it's a real kill... If it was falling I would have quite a few of these...
Firstly, nice lil' tutorial you have there and secondly, do the shadows in this picture look completely wrong or is it just me...?
This is actually a screenshot I took. That's me shooting the Super Laser =P [IMG]
Here we go =] [IMG]
Yeah, I saw this messed up kid on Attack of The Show... Absolutely twisted...
Wildly Popular 'Iron Man' Trailer To Be Adapted Into Full-Length Film Another hilarious video about the Iron Man Trailer