Let me be of some assistance I seriously don't understand what's so hard about embedding pictures... [IMG]
Okay I see... Yeah umm how can you fail at picture posting!
That would ruin the aesthetic appeal of the signature as a whole though =[
That's umm nice to know GunSlinger... Want to elaborate?
Looks interesting but I just don't really like Infection maps =\ I'm really over that gametype.
Lol yeah, I posted this map when I first joined Forgehub, like the noob I was, and still am. And would you believe it I actually read the...
When he says naked, he means screenshots that have not been modified...
These are pretty cool, I think you should use the colour one. Also... Border =\ It always annoys me when I see a sig without a border. It just...
LMFAO! What would cause you to think spiting on the inside of your 360 would be a good thing to do!! LOLOLOLSOISOISOISOI
This is true, now imagine another sig banner in my sig XD That's how big it was. I am thinking of modifying the Strider one, perhaps making it...
Hahaha no worries I was bored and remembered you wanted a sig, it was fun to make because I tested tones of new things =] My pleasure indeed. And...
Okay done
All that is definitely possible. Give me two minutes =]
Second version already lol! I just noticed in the first version the extermination medal looks a bit weird with the background lines.
Definitely my one =P
lololololololsoisoisoisoirofl So you like? I'm not sure about the font and the glow around it. I just hope you like xD
Okay here we go Ivory. I didn't really have too much to work off. So I didn't really know what you would like so yeah. If you want me to change...
Yeahh, that makes me think I haven't found the real one. I'll keep looking but my hopes aren't high. At least that's a big part of the game out of...
Yes it's not a glitch though. After so many rounds the game ends. Like a normal custom game or whatever. I don't know how many rounds it takes to...
Lmao, I love it =D 5/5 =P