IMO, take it out. They're just way too overpowered on ANY map.
Hornets Nest : 4.3 - cluckinho10 Could you post this is the cycle thread? Thanks.
So should i post my review or wait?
The only thing shapes can be used for is objectives.
Make a teleporter that only affects flying vehicles, and put the receiver underwater or in a death barrier. Maybe that could work.
Because hologram=the best AA no doubt.
Yep this is currently the number one issue I'm trying to buff out. I'll most like put kill barriers a few Spartan meters in front of the goals. Oh...
I fixed up a little mechanic so the hologram would blow up the mine and send the golf ball into the destination. And yeah what were the odds lol
So CloneBall is my latest game and it's pretty unique. Two teams are equipped with hologram and each player sends a clone across trying to score...
Grats on artisan titmar.
I took them from the bungie mobile site lol. There is a bunch more like it. [IMG]
ha I really don't care if you use it. And I just changed my username cuz no one knew who I was on xbox
Nice avatar.
SUP. That is all.
Heycould I get access to the review central forum? I need to post a review in the proofread thread.
SUP. Welcome to forgehub but unfortunately your thread is not up to standards. Here's what a moderator would say: Good luck fixing your thread.
What does everyone mean by melee bleed?
Well we will figure out something in eleven hours.
^I really enjoyed Limitless. Just straight up entertaining to watch. I really REALLY want to see Captain America. I love the setting and it just...