See my Tears of Sorrow Fill my eye Leaving me to die To lock away my pain inside Hopelessly alive And I cry Tears of Pain And Boredom Taking me...
No, what did you do?
To craft things that other people adore so that I may flaunt it in every single face and feed off the attention like a sick, sick vampire feeding...
Also, you are my 69th friend. Like a boss. And you feel special cus of all the notifications! ^_^
You can't rest your case THEN add more to it, that's like building an entire perfect map then making 1/3 of a racecourse off the side outta...
failpalmtacular. Do you know the meaning of the word 'touche?' It is along the lines of "Your point" or "one up on me." I wish I coulda said it...
Dunno how I missed this from like ages ago, but I like try-hards.
^^ Campaign glitches are hilarious, except that in that case she teleports back to you once you get inside so... imma call a 'pix or it didn't...
I wish i could give you a point for that, but alas, it is not so. Better luck next time.
Refer back to that link.
Sucks, I voted a darker color for arty.
teh lurk mastah
21:30 shadow8p: is it possible for a mod to change my name to capitolize the S and P? Shadow8P instead of shadow8p? Check shoutbox for him pl0x
Nah, I meant that you were silly for posting it early and everyone else was retarded and disrespectful.
Some. Limited. Depends...
Is that funny or something? Its the biggest reach for a nickname anyone has given me. Its like if I were to call you chuck; I can justify it with...
And the fact that everyone who signed up to be a beta-tester and completed the quiz received an email asking if they would enjoy a FPSMMO. Other...
Because for a little while longer, they can. And its the best part about it; anonymity means complete honesty can come without having to fear for...